Calculate Lake Surface
(A) Multiply the length of the lake (in feet) by
the width of the lake (in feet) to get the square feet
of the lake's
surface. Area = (L X W)
(B) Divide the surface area by 43,560 to get the number of surface acres.
SURFACE AREA = number of acres
Calculate Necessary
(1) Normal aeration requires the displacement of
(one) acre foot or 325,900 gallons of water every
24 to 48
(2) This will add a minimum of 3.2
lbs of oxygen per horsepower per hour.
(3) For normal water conditions use a minimum of 1 1/2 hp aerator
per surface
(4) For warmer climates or excessive algae growth use a minimum
of one 2 hp
aerator per surface acre.
For Lakes and Ponds less than one acre:
1/4 acre = 1/2
hp aerator
1/3 acre = 3/4
hp aerator
1/2 acre = 1
hp aerator
3/4 acre = 1
1/2 hp aerator
Calculate Number
of Aerators:
Number of aerators = Number
of acres (rounded upwards)
Example- The lake is 220 ft. wide and 370 ft. long
(220 ft. x 370 ft = 81,400 square feet)
(81,400 sq. ft. divided by 43,560 = 1.87 surface
(1.87 surface acres is rounded upwards to 2
surface acres)
Lake requires
Two x 1 1/2 hp aerators for normal conditions,
Two x 2 hp aerators for warmer climates or
high algae conditions.
Maximize Water Quality:
Always begin aeration prior to hot weather
and algae build up.
(2) Physically remove or
chemically treat excessive algae and sludge
prior to aeration.
(3) If water quality is compromised
(light to moderate algae), aerate
24 hours per day continuously until algae
is under control.
You Prefer to have your Aerator Sizing
calculated. |